Safeguarding and Inclusion Team
Safeguarding and Pastoral Team
Safeguarding and Vunerable Groups Governor All of our team can be contacted directly through the school office.
Role | Name |
Headteacher | Mrs L Shelford |
Safeguarding and Pastoral Lead | Mrs S Swift |
Deputy Safeguarding Lead | Mrs C Ryder |
SENco, KS2 SEND and Behaviour Lead | Mrs C Clark |
Pupil Premium & Parental Engagement Lead | Miss Z Miles |
Pastoral Lead | Ms D Barker |
HLTA / Nurture Lead | Miss G Holcroft |
TA L3 - SEND & Behaviour | Mrs L Poole |
TA L3 - SEND & Behaviour | Mrs K Knox |
Governors | Frank Maguire |
Safeguarding and Pastoral Care
The Headteacher is responsible for the safety and welfare of the children, this responsibility is delegated to our Head of Safeguarding. The class teachers and pastoral team are responsible for the day to day pastoral care of our pupils. Parents may make arrangements to discuss problems with the Headteacher or members of staff at mutually agreed times.
Each child’s welfare is the first concern of every member of staff and parents are encouraged to come into school when they have a concern or worries connected to their child’s education. Clear school guidelines with regard to pupils’ conduct and dress code have been agreed by the staff and governors, after consultation with the parents of the school. These help maintain the school’s high standards of behaviour, attitude and caring ethos. With matters of pastoral care and discipline, it is vital that parents and school are able to work together for the good of each and every child. It is important that the children see the school and their home working together to help them through the difficulties they may meet. We expect all children to behave in a responsible and acceptable manner. If problems are persistent or of a serious nature, school will seek parental support.
The school has a growing reputation for excellent behaviour for the majority of our pupils and this is due to the professionalism of the staff and the support of parents and children. If you are concerned about your child(ren) or a member of our staff is concerned about specific problems either at home or at school, an appointment may be made when these issues can be discussed confidentially with the Headteacher, Head of Safeguarding or any member of staff.
The District CE Primary is a fully inclusive school. The key principle that our school adopts is that each child is a unique individual and has the right to education which develops their full potential. They have the right to a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum and the right to access the whole curriculum. Every child has the right to expect to make progress.
All children are entitled to an education that enables them to:
- Achieve their best
- Become confident individuals living fulfilling lives; and
- Make a successful transition to adulthood.
At The District C.E. Primary School, great care is taken to identify and support children who have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or who have a disability which prevents them from making use of educational facilities.
Each pupil’s current skills and levels of attainment are judged on entry. Regular assessments of progress are made and where pupils are falling behind or making limited progress, despite high quality teaching targeted at their areas of weakness, the teacher and SENCo work together, with parents/carers, to assess whether the child has a significant learning difficulty. Where this is the case, agreement is reached about the SEN support that is required.
Identification includes the use of high quality assessment and where necessary, may include more specialised assessments from external agencies and professionals.
Parent/carers know their children best, and we listen and understand when they express concerns about their child’s development. We also listen to and address any concerns raised by children themselves.
Where our level of concern increases, other agencies may become involved e.g. Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language Service, etc. This may sometimes be followed by formal assessment, the outcome of which may be an application for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
All children are catered for, whatever their current rate of progress or attainment, in the differentiated planning of class teachers and through working with other partners. Interventions are implemented for those children who require additional support within specific subjects or aspects of learning.
Any parent wishing to make a safeguarding referral or to seek further advice regarding a child’s safety and well-being can contact the following Local Authority Services:
First Response 01744 676600 (9.00 – 5.00 pm, Weekdays)
Emergency Duty Team 0345 050 0148 (after 5.00 pm and weekends)
Call 0800 1111
Call 0808 800 5000
Call 01744 676543