Policies and other information
- Accessiblity planpdf
- Admissions Policy REMAT 25-26pdf
- Adverse Weather Procedurepdf
- Anti Bulling Policypdf
- Assessment Policypdf
- Attendance Policypdf
- Behaviour and Well-Being Policypdf
- Bereavement and Loss Policypdf
- CCTV policypdf
- Charging and Remissions Policypdf
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policypdf
- Complaints Procedurepdf
- Dogs-pets on school groundspdf
- Equality Policy, Audit and Action Planpdf
- Feedback Policypdf
- Freedom of Information Publication Schemepdf
- Governor Allowancespdf
- H&S Policypdf
- Looked After Childrens policypdf
- Nappy Changing Policypdf
- Online Safety Policypdf
- PE Policypdf
- Premises Hire Policypdf
- Privacy Notice Pupilpdf
- Procedure for managing serial and unreasonable complaintspdf
- RSE Policypdf
- SEND policypdf
- Smoking Policypdf
- Social Media Policypdf
- Subject Access Requestpdf
- Supporting children with health needs who cannot attend schoolpdf
- Supporting children with medical conditionpdf
- Suspension and Perm Exclusion policypdf
- Uniform Policypdf
- Volunteer policypdf
- Whistleblowing Policypdf
- Worship policypdf