St John the Baptist Church
The school has good links with the church and the children attend services each term. Occasionally, services are also held in school. Worship is delivered weekly to the children, also the children also have the opportunity to go to St. John’s as part of the R.E curriculum. For example, Y2 look at the layout and the features of a Christian church, paying close attention to the alter, the pulpit and the stained-glass windows whilst other year groups have the opportunity to participate in the Christmas Journey and Easter Experience. Eucharist is held in school or at St John’s for children and staff on a termly basis. Services and events for children and families are held at St. John’s and all are welcome to these – they are publicised within school and a number of children attend these, particularly those on the worship team. The school also supports the charitable work of the church occasionally in fund raising.
Services at St John’s Church
For all the latest news and dates for Worship, Activity Church and other services at St John’s Church please check our latest school newsletter.