Curriculum - The Liverpool Counts Quality Mark
The District CE Primary School is working towards achieving the Liverpool Counts Quality mark.The Liverpool Counts Quality Mark is part of a varied programme of strategies targeted at improving maths results for the children.
The specific remit of the Quality Mark is to tackle the negative attitudes towards numeracy and mathematics which are prevalent in many areas of our society.
We aim to challenge these widely held views and promote a culture where people readily understand the impact good numeracy skills and mathematics qualifications can have on the social, financial, health and employment aspects of their lives.
We also aim to support teachers and other adults in our schools to encourage pupils to make connections in their numeracy and mathematics lessons to real life contexts and with other areas of their school experiences.
Recommended Maths Websites and Games
• Primary Games You’ll find all sorts of maths content here, all presented as engaging games and challenges.
• Maths Zone Another collection of games and activities across the full range of curriculum content, mostly appropriate to our KS2 pupils.
• Topmarks Lots of fun games to play with children of all ages! https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games
Internet-based Activities relating to Number and Place Value
• Chinese Dragon Ordering Numbers Learn to order numbers by playing this fun Chinese Dragon game!
• Underwater Counting Game Learn to count up to 10 sea creatures accurately with this fun underwater themed game!
• Give the Dog a Bone Explore the 100 square. http://www.primarygames.co.uk/pg2/dogbone/gamebone.html
• Spin to Win Create the highest number to win the round. http://www.primarygames.co.uk/spintowin/wheelres.html
• Eggs to Order (KS1) Ordering numbers according to place value. http://www.primarygames.co.uk/pg3/orderegg/ordereggsKS1.html
• Eggs to Order (KS2) The extended version that includes decimal numbers too. http://www.primarygames.co.uk/pg3/orderegg/ordereggsKS2.html
• Super Sid’s Decimal Challenge Can you match the decimal numbers to create the target number?
• Splat Square Splat the numbers in different colours. Play games, look for patterns and learn your numbers to 100!
Internet-based Games relating to Times Tables Practice
• Times Table Rock Stars Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.
• Teaching Tables A collection of little games from the Primary Games website.
• Multiple Wipeout Burst only the balloons that are multiples of the given table. http://www.ictgames.com/rhoodbeyond10.html